BC 240 Plus Clinical Chemistry Analyzer, up to 240 tests per hour, Random Access, STAT, 24 reagent cooling hours, Clot detection and volume detection lyquid levels with a stirring needle and a separate refrigerator switch.
BC 1200 Clinical Chemistry Analyzer, up to 1200 tests per hour, Random Access, STAT, 24 reagent cooling hours, Clot detection and volume detection lyquid levels with a stirring needle and a separate refrigerator switch.
BC 2200 Clinical Chemistry Analyzer, up to 1600 tests per hour, Random Access, STAT, 24 reagent cooling hours, Clot detection and volume detection lyquid levels with a stirring needle and a separate refrigerator switch.
Up to 250 tests/h, Routine, Batch, Emergencies (STAT), Profiles, Up to 500 tests in memory+ unlimited relation tests, Serum, Urine, Plasma, CSF.
Automatic analyzer random access for clinical-